
C 41 developing kit
C 41 developing kit

c 41 developing kit

Whilst colour negative film does have a lot of exposure latitude, it is by far the best option to strive for the most accurate possible exposure which yields the best possible negative to work with. Please note: accuracy of your film exposure film quality (including best before date), lens and camera quality / operation can have a very significant impact on the resulting scan or print quality. If you would prefer flat, low contrast, scan files ready for your own balancing and editing, or no balancing at all, please select this from the drop down box. Our policy is to balance images so as to obtain the best from your film and deliver usable files with a balance of shadow and highlight detail – in line with our own judgement. When scanning or printing your film, our experienced technicians professionally balance, by eye, all images individually for colour, contrast and density to ensure consistent results frame to frame, roll to roll. This service includes processing of colour process black and white film ( Ilford XP2) and cross processing of film intended for process E6 – but please mark your film “X-Process” so we know. As we are processing a lot of film on a daily basis, this also makes process control much easier for us and means much higher quality and more consistent results than a lab with low volumes.

c 41 developing kit

At Ag we offer the highest quality, professionally monitored, C41 processing. Once processed, the film negatives are easily recognisable by their orange-brown colour. is designed to be processed in exactly the same way through C41. C41 and colour film for process C41 is completely homogenised: all film for this process, regardless of manufacturer, film speed etc. The majority of colour film in use today requires C41 processing and it has been the industry standard since 1972. Look for the marking “C41” on your film to identify if it requires this process.

c 41 developing kit

Lomography Orca B&W 100 is a 110 format film capable of capturing shots with an alluring depth of tone.Process C41 is the standard process for colour negative (print) film. How To Process Lomography Orca B&W 100 Film (110 Format) If you or your processor need specific processing times, here is a development chart to use with several popular developers: Developer The Lomography Lady Grey film is a monochromatic film that allows you to take timeless images. How To Process Lomography Lady Grey 400 ISO Film

c 41 developing kit

The Lomography Earl Grey is an exquisite 35mm film that will provide you with classic monochromatic images. How To Process Lomography Earl Grey 100 ISO Film Looking for developing chemicals? Check out the Film Development Kit 120 in the Lomography Online Shop. Not sure where to start with film processing? Well, first you’ll need a darkroom! You’ll need different equipment depending on whether you want to develop and print your photos or only develop them - Read this Simple Guide To Setting Up A Photographic Darkroom from our friends at PhotoTuts+ to learn more about the film development process. Why not try processing your Lomography film at home? Home processing gives you complete control over your final image and is loads of fun too! The charts below tell you how much you should dilute your developer and how long you should develop different Lomography Films for. If you’re looking for something a little closer to home, check out this list of Cine Lab Services around the world: Kodak Laboratories Directory US/NYC: But there’s no need to worry! Because we love the uniqueness of the 16mm film format, we have compiled a list of great labs that will develop it for you. Unfortunately, the Online LomoLab doesn’t develop 16mm film.

C 41 developing kit