In Linux distributions where the Advanced Package Tool (APT) is available (such as Ubuntu), typing sudo apt-get install gmsh in a terminal will probably install Gmsh on your system. Executables for Linux, Windows and Mac OS can be downloaded from as well as the source code. Gmsh is developed by Geuzaine and Remacle (2009) and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Furthermore, Gmsh can be used as a 1, 2 and 3 dimensional mesh generator for use with Fluidity. Its design goal is to provide a fast, light and user-friendly meshing tool with parametricĤ 2 A Gmsh tutorial input and advanced visualisation capabilities.

Gmsh is a 3D finite element grid generator with a build-in CAD engine and postprocessor.

1.2 What is Gmsh? It is the task of a mesh generator to create node locations and element topology so as to create high quality meshes. Figure 1: Examples of meshes in one-dimensional and two-dimensional domains. Therefore, in order to define a mesh, one needs to define node locations, as well as element topology consistent to equations (1). Whatever the dimensionality of the domain, it is evident from figure 1 that the mesh can be constructed by first distributing a set of nodes throughout the domain, and then connect the nodes, so as to obtain a set of non overlapping elements. The extension to three-dimensional domains is clear. Figure 1 shows meshes on one-dimensional and two-dimensional domains. Introduction 1 1 Introduction 1.1 What is a mesh? A mesh can be qualitatively thought of as the tessellation of a domain Ω into a set of non-overlapping subdomains ω i : Ω = (1) where ele is the number of elements in the tessellation. This document was compiled on Novemurl to the latest version:ģ 1. Contents 1 Introduction What is a mesh? What is Gmsh? Starting Gmsh Basic interaction with the Graphical User Interface A two dimensional example Setting up the geometry Physical groups: boundaries and regions Final customisation of the geometry Producing a mesh A three-dimensional, structured mesh example Creating the geometry: Forming an annulus with extrusions Physical groups Final customisation of the script and mesh production Mesh generation on spherical manifolds Background: Stereographic projection Defining Points Defining zonal and meridional lines Mesh generation Ocean mesh generation 26 References 27Ģ Do not copy or reproduce without the explicit consent of all authors. Finally, other tutorials and methds that show how to produce meshes in realistic domains are briefly introduced in the last section. Having mastered the basic usage of the graphical user interface, users are introduced to generating simple meshes on the sphere. A more complicated three-dimensional annulus is also constructed and meshed, demonstrating some more advanced features of Gmsh. A basic, two-dimensional, geometry is then constructed within Gmsh and a mesh is constructed. We first define what a mesh is and then introduce the reader to the basics of the Gmsh graphical user interface. It is aimed towards complete beginners only some basic knowledge of the Linux terminal and a text editor is assumed. Avdis and S.L.Mouradian AMCG Summary This document is a tutorial on the Gmsh mesh generator. 1 Fluidity training documentation Applied Modelling and Computation Group (AMCG) Imperial College London A Gmsh tutorial A.