Open Command Prompt and paste the following command java -showversion Checking Java version.Press Windows Key to open the start menu.2.1 Identify the version of Javaīefore installing, let’s find out if your Java even needs an update. Install Latest JavaĪn unavailable or Unstable version of Java might be why your Minecraft isn’t functioning correctly. If the problem presumes after running the game as an administrator, continue to the next step. Make sure the check box Run this program as an administrator is checked Running Minecraft as an administrator.On the top menu bar, click on Compatibility.Right-Click on the Minecraft Desktop shortcut.Once you have created a shortcut for Minecraft on desktop, head on over to it and follow these steps: To create a shortcut for Minecraft, follow these straightforward steps: Follow these steps to run Minecraft as an administrator. Running the game as an administrator allows the game to access components of windows that it can not operate in user mode, and a lot of times, it solves problems such as the one we are facing. Intervention from background applications– Applications running in the background might be causing an intervention with Minecraft’s smooth processing.Outdated display drivers- Having an older version of graphics drivers might be why you are facing this issue it can be dealt with by simply updating your computer’s display drivers.Faulty Java installation- An unstable java installation could be the reason for our game not launching, or it might be due to an outdated java installation.Lack of administrative privileges- A lack of administrator privileges means the game might not have access to necessary services for smooth processing.There are a few reasons why we are facing difficulties launching Minecraft here’s a brief outlook on what we think might be the chief issues at hand: What causes Minecraft: Java & Bedrock edition not to launch properly The problem is faced at the game’s startup before jumping straight into the solutions, we will discuss possible reasons for us facing this error to understand the issue. The Comcast guy on the phone claimed that they were “pressured” by Motorola to leave that off, but i have a hard time understanding why.Minecraft Java & bedrock edition not launching might be due to a faulty Java installation or an unstable launcher. Ha! Take that, you…you… well, whoever you are that kept us from this feature in the first place…and thank you, to the AVS forum.

*** Update 2010 **** (from comments below re: the new Platinum Remotes)

Press whatever button you want to map the 30-second skip command to.Press (do not hold) the “Setup” button.Press and hold the “Setup” button until the “Cable” button blinks twice.Press the “Cable” button at the top of the remote to put it into Cable Box control mode.Other choices are the PIP buttons at the bottom, (maybe there’s a hack for those too?) or the “help” button (there’s no help either). I used my “A-lock” button, and in retrospect (with two kids) that’s probably not the best choice, but I wanted it near the other DVR controls. Choose an unused or unneeded button on the “silver” remote to be the 30-second skip command.Well, it actually took me nearly 15 minutes, but I found it, and here it is, for your TV commercial skipping pleasure (with a silver remote and a Motorola DCT3412 box)… That’s when he told me that some industrious people had posted a hack for the remote online, and with “a little effort” if I “knew how to use a search engine well” I could possibly find it out. After confirming with him that there was no “pre-programmed” feature on the remote to do that, I told him that I really hated it, and was considering switching back. Very disappointed, I casually mentioned it to Comcast on the phone during a call about another issue. Oh sure, I could speed up the commercials by 4x or so, then have to reverse again when I passed the return of the show, but there was no measured way to skip commercials. That’s why I was so surprised last week when we switched to Comcast that the feature was missing. This feature allowed me to skip commercials, which was the main benefit to recording TV programs in the first place. What I liked most about my Dish DVR was the ability to press a button and skip forward 30 seconds in a recorded program. I found a code online that lets me add this feature to my Comcast remote. This industry changes FAST, so blindly following the advice here *may not* be a good idea! If you're at all unsure, feel free to hit me up on Twitter and ask. I post at now, and this post was published 15 years 11 months 8 days ago.